Since the About Downhamweb page has been rather static for the time being, we thought we would bring it to life by adding a brand new blog section, but instead of this blog area being all about upcoming events or news stories, it will just be all about what we ve been up to! We always try to be as positively interactive with the downhamweb community as possible, and we think that this new blog area will be an insightful and engaging look into the process what goes behind some of the work we as a team do. As well as the new blog area we have also just recently launched a brand new feature page titled Volunteer , and of course it is what it says on the tin! We are hoping to become more engaged with our community and we feel a great way to do this is to reach out in a way where others can get involved and help out! Things are already looking bright with a submission in under 12 hours of the page launching! Wow! If you are interested in volunteering or perhaps know somebody who would be interested please don t hesitate to visit the page by clicking here, and if nothing on the (currently) small job list appeals to you then still feel free to submit a form entry, every form is taken in consideration! On top of all these wonderful new features our site manager, Liz, recently attended the Farmers Market at the Denver Windmill, which she mentions was a huge success which proved to be very enjoyable. It seems the Mill employees also felt the same way as quoted from their facebook The first ‘post Polizzi’ Farmers Market was a tremendous success today, equally enjoyed by visitors, stallholders and the Mill Crew’ – who worked really hard and did a superb job. Just 21 days after breaking the site record we have done it again today! Hopefully The Denver Mill will host more fun events in the near future as we will definitely be attending them! That just about wraps our first introductory post for this new blog area, and make sure (if you haven t already) you like our facebook page and follow our twitter, as we post all news and events announcements on these sites first! Whilst on the topic of facebook we must thank all of you who have liked our page recently, and of course those of you who have been with us for a long time! You help keep downhamweb running strong, lets see if we can make it to 1000 likes soon!