The members of local St Edmund s Knitting and Crochet Group will be dedicating their next meeting to knitting orange woolly hats for the homelessness charity St Mungo s. Tuesday 25th Sept
from 7.30 pm
at St Edmund s Church Hall
Downham Market The hats will be used to help launch Woolly Hat Day, a campaign organised by St Mungo s to highlight the plight of the thousands of people sleeping rough each night in the UK. St Mungo s are asking knitting enthusiasts to help them knit 5,678 orange bobble hats which will represent the number of people who slept rough on the streets of London last year. The hats will then be sold on Woolly Hat Day, 26th October, to raise vital funds for St Mungo s. Find out more information about St Edmund s Knitting and Crochet Group here: