Good news for those of us in Downham Market keen to see more of our waste recycled as King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council announce the introduction of a new food waste collection scheme. From 2 April 2013 food scraps will be collected separately and will be sent to be composted rather than going into landfill. Each household will be provided with a small kitchen caddy into which food scraps can easily be placed. The kitchen caddy will be emptied into a larger outside food waste bin, which will be collected weekly. “Research shows that around 1/3 of the waste in the black bin is actually food.” said Cllr Brian Long, Cabinet Member for Environment. “By collecting this separately and sending it to be turned into compost, this vastly reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill. We are hopeful that the new service could increase our recycling rates from 37% to around 50%.” “The new service will also reduce our costs by a further £500,000 per year, enabling us to keep our element of the council tax bill down.” he explained.However there are advantages to the new scheme other than increasing the Borough’s ‘green’ credentials. By reducing the amount we send to landfill each year, Cllr Long expects to see the Borough’s landfill tax bill go down. Other changes include the delivery of larger black bins for general waste. Black bins will then be collected on alternate weeks to the green bins, i.e. black bin one week, green bin the following week. Food waste will be collected every week. New bins for the service, comprising a 240-litre black bin (the same size as the green recycling bin), a 23-litre outside food waste bin and a 7-litre kitchen caddy, along with an initial supply of compostable liners, will be delivered to homes between the end of January and the end of March. Detailed information about how to use the new service and calendars detailing collection dates will be distributed to homes across the borough before the new service starts on 2 April 2013. Further information will be posted online at
The New Service at a Glance: 7-litre kitchen caddy Use this to collect all your kitchen food waste, cooked or uncooked, including peelings, left overs, meat and dairy products and even bones. The caddy can by lined with a compostable bin liner if you wish. Once you have used your initial supply you will need purchase further supplies from local supermarkets or direct from council reception areas. Plastic bin liners or carrier bags must not be used as these are not compostable. Your food waste will not be collected if you have used them. 23-litre outside food waste bin Empty your kitchen caddy into this, or use it to put your food waste directly into. If you wish to line this bin, please use compostable liners. Plastic liners or carrier bags must not be used as these are not compostable. Your waste will not be collected if you use them. This bin will be emptied every week. 240-litre black bin This will replace your existing 140-litre black bin (unless you choose not to have a new bin and would like to keep your current 140-litre bin 240-litre green bin for recycling This remains unchanged. 240-litre brown bin for garden waste This remains unchanged Properties that use bags only In areas with no wheelie bins, collections will continue on a weekly basis. Collection days may change, but you will be advised of any changes before the new service starts. You will receive a new food waste bin and kitchen caddy so that you can take advantage of the new weekly food collection service. Communal collection areas You will be contacted with information on the new collection arrangements. You will receive a new kitchen caddy which you can use to take advantage of new communal food collection bins.