Cindy Nicolle (nee Woodward) has ancestors who lived around Kings Lynn. She knows their surnames, but is trying to find out if they, or any of their descendants, had sight problems – something not easily found out from census records! Do you share any of these ancestors? WOODWARD from Downham Market & Shouldham in the 1800s/1900s WOODWARD living in Pinchbeck and Whaplode in the 1800s WARD from Pinchbeck in the 1800s If so, does anyone in your family have sight problems? Cindy is trying to locate relatives who may be affected by the same genetic eye problem as some members of her family. The eye problem is called Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), and in can vary from having virtually no effect, through night blindness and tunnel vision, to almost complete blindness. In her case RP can affect both sexes, and those with it have a 50/50 chance of passing it on to children. More in depth information can be found on There is advanced research which could lead to treatment in the near future, and it could be helpful to have names of others who may have the same defective gene and who thus could benefit from the same treatment. So if you can help Cindy, please do not hesitate to contact her by email at: [email protected]