Over the summer, West Norfolk residents will receive a letter through the post telling them about the biggest change to the electoral registration system in nearly 100 years.
In August, the Electoral Registration Officer for the Borough of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk will write to around 117,000 people to explain that a new system of Individual Electoral Registration has been introduced. Each individual is now responsible for registering themselves. Many West Norfolk residents will automatically move onto the new electoral register to be published in December, as a result of a data matching exercise through the Government Digital Service, with DWP records. However, some people will need to take action to join or remain on the register. For the first time people will be able to register online which is both quick and easy. Visit www.gov.uk/registertovote
Mary Colangelo, Electoral Registration Officer for the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, said: “Residents in West Norfolk will receive a letter between 1-10 August either confirming their registration or requiring further information. I would encourage everyone to look out for these communications and act accordingly.”
Samantha Mills, Head of Campaigns at the Electoral Commission, said: “The Electoral Commission has launched a major advertising campaign that will raise awareness of the change to Individual Electoral Registration. We welcome this change, which will lead to a more secure register and replace the outdated Victorian concept that a single ‘head of household’ is responsible for registering everyone.”
Although the national campaign commences on the 3 July until the 10 August, because of the date of the matching exercise in West Norfolk, residents will not receive anything until 1-10 August. In the mean time they can however register under the new system if they wish to.
For more information visit www.gov.uk/yourvotematters . If you do not receive a letter by the end of August please contact the electoral team at the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West on 01553 616773 or e-mail register.electors@west-