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Economy – #GE2024

We’ve written to candidates standing for election in South West Norfolk to ask them four key questions. See our series of #GE2024 articles for their responses to these four topics. Our next topic is a broad one about the economy and cost of living.

Our third question is: People are still feeling the increased cost of living while big corporations, such as energy companies, are reporting record profits. Many people feel the economy isn’t working for them, how will you redress the balance?

Terry Jermy – Labour Party

I strongly support Labour’s national priority to set up Great British Energy. This will be a publicly-owned clean power company, to cut bills for good and boost energy security, paid for by a windfall tax on oil and gas giants. Read more here.

Lorraine Douglas – Communist Party of Britain

An immediate windfall tax on those companies followed by rapid renationalisation of Britain’s gas & oil fields. This is the only way to bring control to a market that is currently working in the interests of the profiteers while the people struggle to afford the necessities of life. We need to organise our economy differently so it works for the people as a whole, not the corporate elite. We need massive investment in green renewable energy – onshore wind, solar and tidal in particular should be developed to help reduce the reliance on fossil fuels; in the interim energy prices must be reduced and capped to affordable levels and an end to the outrageous profiteering that has immiserated so many people over the last two years. Read more here.

Toby McKenzie – Reform UK

I really like the policy to stop income tax payments until £20,000. We have to support small businesses and empower them to thrive. Read more here.

Elizabeth Truss – Conservative Party

The British economy relies on businesses to grow. To unlock economic growth, we must back small businesses like those across South West Norfolk. The two most effective ways of giving businesses this essential support are lowering their tax burden and freeing them from outdated EU red tape. Increases in the cost of living have put unprecedented pressure on people’s wallets and the best thing the government can do to help is to cut the bills and ease the financial pressure on families. The UK should build up an independent, home-grown energy supply by scrapping anti-investment taxes on British energy companies. Read more here.

Josie Ratcliffe – Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrats will build a strong, fair economy that benefits everyone in the UK. We would provide long-term help with the cost of living by cutting energy bills through an emergency Home Energy Upgrade programme, tackle rising food prices through a National Food Strategy, and get mortgage rates under control through careful economic management. We would also invest in green infrastructure, innovation and skills to boost economic growth and create good jobs – the UK could be a global leader in action against climate change. We will fund this investment by reversing the Conservatives’ tax cuts for big banks and imposing a proper, one-off windfall tax on the super-profits of oil and gas producers and traders.

Pallavi Devulapalli – Green Party

Our costed manifesto will give more detail on how Green MPs in parliament would push for immediate measures to help people address the alarming increase in the cost of living. Practical common sense steps like increasing universal credit by £40 a week and eventually bringing up the minimum wage to £15 an hour for everyone over 16 years of age. We would allow local authorities to introduce rent controls and a national home insulation program. I would demand an end to the two-child benefit cap – doing so would lift 250,000 children out of poverty. People are hurting after 14 years of Conservative government. We would tax the big oil giants and other very wealthy individuals to raise the money for these programs. Some multi-millionaires have been calling out for such a tax- it would make no noticeable difference to their wealth while lifting millions out of poverty. Its a political choice to continue with this false austerity that is selectively imposed on the poorest and most vulnerable people in our society, middle-earners are getting squeezed, while the rich are getting even richer.


James Bagge (independent) was contacted but did not provide a response.

The other candidates in South West Norfolk are Earl Elvis of East Anglia for The Official Monster Raving Loony Party and Gary Conway for the Heritage Party.

Voting day is on 4th July and don’t forget to take a photo ID or ‘voter authority certificate‘ in order to vote.



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