A new Downham Market Town sign is set to be unveiled at 11am on Tuesday 14th May.
Over the many years since the Downham Market Town sign was provided by the Downham Market WI in 1965 to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of their National Federation, the weather has taken its toll on the woodwork.
Throughout these years groups of people have been involved in maintaining the sign, repairing and repainting it but a point was reached where the timber was rotting beyond reasonable repair.
As a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Project for Downham Market it was decided, during 2012, to have the sign replaced by one of similar design so that it could continue to show everyone something of the varied history of our Town throughout the ages.
Downham Market Town Council precepted a sum of money and invited local businesses, organisations and individuals to financially support the project.
Mr Glyn Mould, a wood carver of Thornhaugh near Peterborough, was commissioned to remove the old sign and craft a replacement copy suitably prepared to last for many years to come.
The cost of the new sign will be in the order of £4000 and almost half of this has been raised by public subscription.
Mr Mould removed the sign to his workshops in January 2013 and the replacement will be returned to its plinth on London Road in time for a special unveiling ceremony on Tuesday 14th May 2013 at 11:00am.
At the unveiling ceremony the Mayor, Cllr Robin Pegg, will complete his last public task of his Mayoral year before handing over the Office at the Mayor Making ceremony later that evening.