The nights began drawing in quicker, the leaves started falling off trees and businesses around Downham Market hit regional headlines this October. Starting off at the Downham Market Health Centre which has changed it s name to The Hollies in a bid to start a new chapter following a report into failings under the previous management. This was followed by a story a couple of weeks later about the fact there will be accountability for the failings at the health centre – according to the Leader of the House of Commons. Moving to Wissington, on the outskirts of Downham Market, and workers at the massive sugar beet factory voted against strike action and accepted British Sugar s proposed pay increase. There was then the story about C&M Servicing, of Downham, which has stepped in to sponsor a volunteer group which transports blood around the county for the NHS – a story which also appeared on DownhamWeb with pictures (see below). One of the most talk about stories in the town last month had to be primary school children avoiding injury after a sail at Denver Mill broke. This was followed by the story that the other sails at the Mill may be halted due to the cost and then the sails being removed. The final business story to come out of Downham last month was about Advanced Water Treatment which has rewarded for hard work with a wave of contracts. Non-business stories in Downham during October included anger as Arsenal suspend disabled Downham Market woman s season ticket and an unearthed ring has been returned to Stow Bardolph, near Downham Market, after some 180 years.