Diamond House care home showed no fear of the erratic weather this summer when its open day was held on Wednesday 26th June.
The open day was an opportunity for the home to show off its recent renovations.
A Steelophonic steel drummer provided the music to entertain residents, relatives, staff and community neighbours.
Desserts were provided by a sweet stall and the entertainment continued with games, raffle and tombola.
Visitors to Diamond House also had the opportunity to visit the recruitment stand, the newly decorated bedroom suites and talk to staff and relatives.
Queenie Watts, 94, commented: “It was lovely to meet lots of new people and show them round our home.”
Natalie Wright, Home Manager at Diamond House, said: “We are really proud of the recent renovations at Diamond House and were incredibly happy to welcome neighbours and visitors who enjoyed the happy atmosphere of our home with residents, staff and relatives.
“Luckily, the BBQ wasn’t a wash out, the sun shone and the tasty food was washed down with Pimm’s and Lemonade cocktails.
“It is so important to the team here that everyone in the neighbourhood feels happy to visit us and our residents stay at the heart of the local community. Our residents loved chatting with visitors and sharing their stories. We look forward to planning the next open day soon.”