Former Downham Market Chamber Vice President, Melvyn Rolph unfortunately is just one of the thousands in the UK who suffer from Muscular Dystrophy.
As well as Melvyn, more than 70000 babies, children and adults in the UK are affected by Muscular Dystrophy.
This morning, (Wednesday 14th of September 2011) Mervyn, who owns and runs Downham Market’s Smiths Footwear and Menswear hosted a morning of ‘coffee and cakes’ In aid of ‘CMT’ (Charcol-Marie-Tooth) a form of Muscular Dystrophy.
Downhamweb were happy to pop along to support Melvyn and help raise money for charity, of course we also picked up some yummy cakes! A wide array of people showed up!
Cakes! There was even a raffle with lots of great prizes to be won!