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Social Centre Kitchen Refurb

social_Centre_April_14Kitchen refurbishment is underway to help secure the future of Downham’s Social Centre.

Based at the Methodist Church the Social Centre is enjoying its 31st year offering outreach for people living within the community in need of friendship and a reasonably priced meal. Though the organisation is based in the Methodist Church you do not need to belong to the church to use the facilities and over the years it has welcomed many people through its doors and supported them at times of loneliness, bereavement and when arriving to area.

Mary Rose Chairperson of the Social Centre Committee has been involved with the organisation since 1985 in the capacity of volunteer, cook and committee member. She has seen many people over the years benefit from the facilities and feels that it still has a lot to offer. ‘It is a warm and friendly environment’ Mary said ‘and always has someone there to talk to and provide good company’. ‘There has been many times when the Centre has had low numbers and we have worried that it might not always continue but through positive advertising and word of mouth we always seem to draw in new people just at the right time.’

Mary went on to say that the kitchen had got very tired and much of the equipment needed replacing. Over the past weeks the refurbishment has been taking place and is nearly complete. ‘This has ensured that we meet healthy and safety regulation which we take very seriously. We are a non-profit organisation and the church has been very generous in helping us to get the refurbishment under way but more funds are needed to ensure it is fully completed. The next step is to apply for more funding to ensure the project is a success.

Morning refreshments are served up to 12 Noon when lunch is served until 1pm. There is no need to book and the menu offer s a home cooked meal made from fresh, local produce. If anyone is interested in volunteering or finding out more about the Social Centre you can contact Mary on 01366 382593 or Iris on 01366 388787.



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